To configure content and sidebar layout and style, you can go to Appearance > Customize > Content & Sidebar.
Content Section
Content section is the main section between header and footer. This section can have 1 column or 2 columns, depending on the layout you chose. Those columns are:
- Main Content Area
- Sidebar
You can customize the layout of the content section on the Appearance > Customize > Content & Sidebar > Content Section.

First you need to set the layout of the wrapper Normal or Full width and then set the content & sidebar layout inside the wrapper. There are 4 options:
- Wide
- Narrow
- Left sidebar
- Right sidebar
Main Content Area
Main Content Area is the 1st column in the Content Section. This is where the post/page content will be displayed along with subsidiary content like Comments, Author Bio, etc. To customize the Main Content Area, you can go to Appearance > Customize > Content & Sidebar > Main Content Area.

Sidebar Area
Sidebar Area is the 2nd column in the Content Section, which is optional to have. This column will contain widgets that you can add via Appearance > Widgets page. To customize the Sidebar size, widgets style, typography, and colors, you can go to Appearance > Customize > Content & Sidebar > Sidebar Area.

Use different content & sidebar settings in each individual post/page.
You can set a different layout for each page type via Dynamic Page Settings.