The default add to cart button of WooCommerce for single product page reloads the entire site each time a product is added to the cart. The more steps and time your e-commerce load, the more you reduce the chances of selling.
AJAX add to cart feature improves the user experience by allowing changes to the page without having to load them again. By default, AJAX add to cart feature can be set for woocommerce archives page only.
With Suki Pro You can also enable AJAX add to cart feature in single product page. To enable this feature, you can go to Appearance > Customize > Woocommerce > AJAX Add To Cart. This option will be applied to all single product pages and Quick View popup.

This is the single product page looks when you click Add to cart button with AJAX disabled (default).

And after enabled the “AJAX add to cart” in single product page, it would turn like this.

If you enable Show cart on header after succeed, it would turn like this.